Friday, April 27, 2007


What is wrong with people these days?! Does a human life hold less value than in days past? Are respect and common sense things that can only be expected or hoped for from a rare few? What causes someone to value life so little, that not only do they see their own life having little worth; that they equate that with the lives of others as well.
Why do people I know, work with and care about have to die so needlessly. Even more, why do they have to die at the hands of those very ones they strive to serve and protect?! This type of incident is becoming far too common in our community, our country and even our world.
Tragedy is not uncommon in my line of work. I see it almost daily. But this is UNACCEPTABLE! How cruelly irony has slapped us all in the face. A candlelight vigil is held to honor the memory of a fallen comrade one year ago, only to see another one fall only hours later. What is wrong with this picture?!

My deepest hope and prayer is this: God, shake us all! Awaken within us the recollection that we are all created in your image. You created us for better than this. You call us to love, respect and serve one another. To live at peace with one another. To treat each other in a way that we would like to be treated in return. Most importantly, to do all this knowing that when we do these things to others, we are doing them to you. Amen.

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